غړیتوب او تړون

Kedei Mobile School has an academic, professional, technical, and academic agreements with the following organizations in Afghanistan and the world:

کابل پوهنتون د ارواپوهنې پوهنځی کابل، افغانستان

کابل پوهنتون د افغانستان تر ټولو لوی دولتي پوهنتون دی. کېږدۍ ګرځنده ښوونځی د کابل پوهنتون د ارواپوهنې له پوهنځي سره تړون لري او د تدریس په اړونده څانګه کې ورسره مشورې کوي.

کابل پوهنتون د ارواپوهنې پوهنځی کابل، افغانستان

Kegdei Mobile School also has an agreement with the Faculty of Languages and Literature of Kabul University. Currently, this faculty has active departments for ten (10) national and international languages such as Pashto, Dari, English, Russian, German, Turkish, French, Arabic, Spanish, and Chinese. All the linguistic, legal, and specialized dictionary works of Kakhdi Mobile School are made from effective sources in coordination with the Faculty of Languages and Literature of Kabul University so that students can easily use them.

د افغانستان علوم اکاډمي ( ASA) کابل، افغانستان

The Academy of Sciences of Afghanistan (ASA) is the only government agency that works for Pashto and Dari in Afghanistan and abroad, and also works with official government agencies of other countries on linguistic, literary, historical, cultural, and other issues. All the educational and specialized vocabulary works of Kakhdi Mobile School are made from efficient resources in coordination with the Afghanistan Academy of Sciences. To avoid repetitive efforts and to respond to people’s requests in the right way.

د ښوونې او روزنې پوهنځی کابل، افغانستان

کېږدۍ ګرځنده ښوونځی د ښوونې او روزنې له پوهنځي سره تړون لري او د یاد پوهنتون د تکړه استادانو له مشورو ګټه اخلي. تکړه فارغان یې په یاد ښوونځي کې تدریس کوي.