About Kegdai Mobile School

The Kegdai Mobile School (KMS) is a vital initiative in Afghanistan, established to address the severe shortage of educational and scientific resources caused by decades of war. The prolonged conflict in the country forced many talented writers and researchers to flee, resulting in limited productivity in the academic space and a lack of scientific materials in the Pashto language. Additionally, nomads, who make up a significant portion of Afghan society, have been deprived of education and left without access to basic schooling.

Maryam Amarkhil, a social activist and education enthusiast, founded the KMS to provide an efficient, free, and legal education to nomads. The school aims to give underprivileged tribes, such as the Kuchies, their basic right to education and equip them with the knowledge to improve their lives. The KMS prepares students through a comprehensive and inclusive plan, helping to strengthen the tribe and prepare them for a brighter future.

The KMS is unique in that it caters to the specific needs of nomads. For instance, nomads who change their place with the change of season often have very little chance of attending government schools due to the complexity of Afghanistan’s laws. Private schools do not have programs for nomads, and this work is not profitable for the government or private schools. Unfortunately, nomads living in deserts and mountain areas have not been given attention by the international community either.

The KMS provides education to nomads, empowering individuals and their children, and benefiting the country as a whole. Educated nomads are less likely to join terrorist groups and will help promote peace and prosperity. The school plays a critical role in promoting a more inclusive society in Afghanistan, where education is accessible to everyone.

The KMS’s innovative approach to education has not only earned accolades from local communities, but it has also received international recognition. The school has been able to reach areas that are inaccessible to traditional schools, making it a highly effective educational institution in Afghanistan. The KMS’s approach to education is practical and rooted in Afghan traditions, making it highly acceptable to the community.

In conclusion, the Kegdai Mobile School (KMS) is a unique institution that provides basic education to those who need it the most, making a difference in the lives of many. By catering to the needs of nomads and providing them with education, the school is promoting peace and prosperity in Afghanistan. It is essential to support initiatives such as the KMS to ensure that every individual in Afghanistan has access to education and the opportunity to lead a fulfilling life.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a world where every child, including nomads, in Afghanistan has access to free education and is equipped with the necessary literacy skills to succeed in life. We believe that education is a fundamental human right that should be available to all, and we are committed to making this a reality. By promoting literacy and providing free education to all children, we aim to empower individuals and communities, drive economic growth, and foster a more equitable and prosperous society. Our vision is rooted in the belief that education is the key to building a brighter future for all Afghans, and we are dedicated to working tirelessly to achieve this goal.

Our Mission

At our charitable school, we are dedicated to providing quality education to the most deprived community called Kuchies (Nomads), in Afghanistan. We understand that these communities face unique challenges when it comes to accessing education, and we are committed to addressing these barriers by providing free education to all children, regardless of their background.

Our mission to promote literacy and mindset-building is particularly important in these communities, where access to education can be limited. By providing quality education to the Kuchies and other deprived communities, we aim to equip individuals with the tools they need to succeed in life and contribute to the development of their communities and the country as a whole.

Our approach is centered on sustainability and innovation, as we leverage a team of experienced teachers, and innovators to ensure that our educational programs are effective and responsive to the needs of our students. We believe that education is a fundamental human right and we are committed to making it accessible to all, including the most deprived communities in Afghanistan.