
Kegdai Mobile School is a charitable educational center that operates under the laws of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

In 2016 Maryam “Amarkhil” started educational surveys and campaigns to educate nomadic children where she saw that nomads are eager for education and want to learn therefor in 2020 she laid the foundation stone of a Kegdai Mobile School Placed in Laghman city.

This charitable school is not related to any government or any political party in the country or abroad; rather, its only purpose is to spread literacy, to gather Afghan teachers, writers and researchers to organize and support a young unexperienced speakers for the sake of achieving our own academic goals for Kegdai Mobile School and to professionally train the underprivileged tribe of the society. This charitable school wants to equip children in remote areas with knowledge and provide education to the nomads who have been away from education for years.

2016, Started Education Surveys and Campaigns.

Maryam Amarohel started education surveys and campaigns to educate nomadic children where she saw that nomads are eager for education and want to learn.

2020, Foundation Stone

Foundation stone of Kegdai Mobile School was placed in Laghman city.

2020, Registration

Kegdai Mobile School is registered with the Ministry of Education of Afghanistan under the document number (289) of Kegdai Charitable School

Name and Etymology

Kegdai is a house where the nomads live and the nomads always change their place with the changes of the season like they are living in a mobile bases, this name was proposed by the founder of Kegdai Mobile School, Maryam Amarkhel, which is mostly involved to the work area